Introit related to 'In virtute tua Domine, laetabi'

based on common motifs in the same order and greater than 80% similarity
calculated as the percentage of all notes in the melody contained in common motifs

Introit: Probasti, Domine, cor meum, et visitasti nocte: igne me examinasti, et non est inven ta in me iniquitas.
Similarity: 87%
Common structure: 1:GaFaGa (+c)+ 2:acedc (+a)+ 3:cacGaGacbcacbcdaGacbc (+bc)+ 4:decacdc 5:bcedc (+bcGac)+ 6:aFGaGacdc (+dc)+ 7:acGaG
This melody: [1] G [2] bced [3] [4] ac [5] [6] [7]