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Jane Goldstein

For the past eighteen months I have been actively looking for a new editor and an institution or organization to continue the publication of The Looking Glass after the release of the April 2007 issue. The search has involved the help of many wonderful friends of the journal. The past few months have brought productive discussions with the University of La Trobe in Australia. I am delighted to announce that David Beagley, from its Faculty of Education and a Lecturer in Children's Literature will be the new editor beginning with the September 2, 2007 issue. Previous issues of The Looking Glass will then be permanently archived at the University of La Trobe. As the transition to a new home begins, look for announcements and paper calls from the journal's new team.

Alice's Academy editor, Caroline Jones, contacted me almost immediately after the ChLA conference this past June with a request to feature a panel she had heard there. The topic was unusual and struck me as provocative. After reading the papers, I share Caroline's enthusiasm. All three papers discuss popular television series viewed by young adults and look at the literary aspects as well as the cultural and sociological. The three contributors, Elizabeth Bullen, Debra Dudek and Elizabeth Parsons, are all at Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia.

Emerging Scholars editor, Michelle Abate, presents a paper from Danya David on the golem. Danya discusses the Jewish figure in several contexts before going on to look at its use in three picture books which draw from the same tale as their basis.

Evelyn Perry, the editor of Curiouser and Curiouser, is on sabbatical finishing a book to be published by Scarecrow Press. This column is designated to deal with folk retellings and we have included a paper from Kallie George, a student at the University of British Columbia. Kallie compares various adaptations of the Tam Lin story.

Picture Window closes this issue with a discussion of the books by Janet and Allen Ahlsberg. Tamsin Shute provides an overview of their work by dividing them into two groups for discussion purposes. Those groups are as fairy tale inspired stories or as baby's day stories.

2007 will be exciting for The Looking Glass. The April issue will mark the tenth anniversary of the launch of the very first issue. September will bring a new look and a new voice in leadership. It will be a great year for us!

May 2007 be a year of hope and progress for children and the world as we all search for peace in our time.

Editorially yours,

Jane Goldstein

Volume 11, Issue 1, The Looking Glass, 2 January, 2007

Site design and content, except where noted, © The Looking Glass 2007.
"Editorial" © Jane Goldstein, 2007.
Send general correspondence regarding The Looking Glass c/o The Editor.