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Works beginning with 'H', file 9

  1. Herodes enim metuebat Joannem Responsory for Beheading of St John the Baptist
  2. Herodes enim tenuit et Responsory for Beheading of St John the Baptist
  3. Herodes enim tenuit et S. Joannis Baptistae, Ad Laudes: Antiphon
  4. Misit herodes rex manus ac Verse for Beheading of St John the Baptist
  5. Herodes enim tenuit Joannem Verse for Beheading of St John the Baptist
  6. Herodes facibus libidinis Antiphon for Beheading of St John the Baptist
  7. Herodes funestus iussit Antiphon for Beheading of St John the Baptist
  8. Herodes funestus jussit inter Verse
  9. Herodes funestus praecepit Antiphon
  10. Herodes funestus praecepit in Verse for Beheading of St John the Baptist
  11. Herodes in luxurie turpe Beheading of St John the Baptist, Matins, Antiphon
  12. Herodes iratus est occidit Antiphon for Holy Innocents
  13. Herodes iratus occidit multos Holy Innocents, Ad Laudes: Antiphon
  14. Herodes iratus occidit multos Verse for Holy Innocents
  15. Herodes rex apposuit ut Antiphon for St Peter in Chains
  16. Herodes rex propter jus Antiphon for Beheading of St John the Baptist
  17. Herodes sicarius in cives Antiphon for Beheading of St John the Baptist
  18. Herodes te petit causa Antiphon for Beheading of St John the Baptist
  19. Herodes tetrarcha audivit Antiphon for Beheading of St John the Baptist
  20. Herodes videns quia illusus Antiphon for Holy Innocents
  21. Herodes vir sanguinum St. John the Baptist, Matins, Antiphon 5
  22. Herodes volens placere puelle Beheading of St John the Baptist, Matins, Responso
  23. Herodias autem insidiabatur J Verse
  24. Herodias exhinc odit sanctum Beheading of St John the Baptist, Matins, Antiphon
  25. Herodias imperat impia St. John the Baptist, Matins, Verse 12
  26. Herodies funestus iussit Antiphon
  27. Herodies funestus praecepit Antiphon
  28. Herodis in pretorio Anonymous Motet
  29. Herodis ob maliciam viam The Three Kings, Matins, Responsory 6
  30. Heros dives merito vitans St. Udalricus, Matins, Antiphon 8
  31. Hero vero desponsata Presentacio BVM, Lauds, Antiphon 5
  32. Hesterna die dominus natus Antiphon for Stephen the First Martyr
  33. Hesterna die Dominus natus Responsory for Stephen the First Martyr
  34. He super candelabrum due sunt The Three Marys, Matins, Verse 7
  35. Het dunct mi wesen verre Anonymous Rondeau
  36. Heth cogitavit* Lectio for Friday of Holy Week
  37. Heth misericordiae* Lectio for Holy Saturday
  38. Heu, quid destructio hec! Anonymous Verse
  39. Heu! quo progreditur Anonymous Conductus
  40. Heu caput orbis inclitum St. Sixtus II, Pope, Matins, Verse 5
  41. Heu heu mihi misero ubi ubi Verse for Office of the Dead
  42. Heu heu quam me dire tangunt Compassio BVM, Lauds, Antiphon 3
  43. Heu me domine quia pulvis Responsory for Office of the Dead
  44. Heu me fili mi Joseph dulcis Miscellaneous for 3rd Sunday in Lent
  45. Heu me fili mi quid te Verse for Summer Histories, from Tobias
  46. Heu me fili mi ut quid te Verse for Summer Histories, from Tobias
  47. Heu me fili mi ut qui te Verse for Summer Histories, from Tobias
  48. Heu me fili ut quid te Verse for Summer Histories, from Tobias
  49. Heu me quia incolatus meus Pro Defunctis, In primo nocturno: Antiphon
  50. Heu mihi cf. heu me. Antiphon
  51. Heu mihi, Domine, quia Responsory for Office of the Dead
  52. Heu mihi domine quia peccavi Office of the Dead, Matins, Versicle
  53. Heu mihi = heu me. Antiphon
  54. Heu me, quia incolatus meus Antiphon for Office of the Dead
  55. Heu mors amara sedent et Verse for Office of the Dead
  56. Heu nihil valet nobilitas Verse for Office of the Dead
  57. Heu quam amaram vocem audiunt Verse for Office of the Dead
  58. Heu quo progreditur St. Margaret, martyr, Matins, Responsory 4
  59. Heu ruit in peius grex mater St. Erntrudis, Matins, Antiphon 8
  60. Heu tam clara metropolis quo St. Eugenius, Matins, Antiphon 2
  61. Heu vox tantorum non est St. Magnus, Matins, Verse 3
  62. He vere israelite querentes St. Ursula, Matins, Verse 6
  63. Heylas, que feray je Virelai by Matteo da Perugia
  64. Hi accipient benedictionem Antiphon
  65. Hi accipient cf. Hic accipie Antiphon
  66. Hi accipient = Hic accipiet. Antiphon
  67. Hiacynthus intexitur tamquam St. Claudius, Matins, Verse 6
  68. Hi ad christum se conversos St. Ewaldus duo, Matins, Antiphon 2
  69. Hi a gentili errore gentes Sts Cyrillus & Methodius, Matins, Verse 2
  70. Hi a sacerdotibus ob hoc Sts Ioachim & Anna, Vespers, Antiphon 4
  71. Hi baptizati romeque fide Sts Gregorius & Companions, Matins, Antiphon 6
  72. Hi bis seni fide pleni semina Divisio Apostolorum, Vespers, Antiphon 3
  73. Hic est precursor Anonymous Motet
  74. Hic fons, hic devius Anonymous Verse
  75. Hic ab adolescentia divina Antiphon for Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor
  76. Hic ab adulescencia divina St Gregorius I, Pope, Matins, Antiphon 6
  77. Hic ab angelis quem parum St. Odgerus, Matins, Antiphon 6
  78. Hic ab annis adulescencie St. Anulfus of Gap, Matins, Antiphon 2
  79. Hic accepit benediccionem St. Ladislaus, Matins, Antiphon 9
  80. Hic accepit graciam a domino St. Leonardus of Limoges, Matins, Antiphon 9
  81. Hic accepit principatum Antiphon for Simon, Jude (Thaddeus), Apostles
  82. Hic accipiet benediccionem a St. Ludgerus, Matins, Antiphon 9
  83. Hic accipiet benediccionem et St. Arnoldus, Confessor, Matins, Verse 3
  84. Hic accipiet benediccionem a St. Ansuerus, Matins, Verse 4
  85. Hic accipiet benedictionem a Comm. un. Conf., In tertio nocturno: Antiphon
  86. hic accipiet benedictionem a Comm. unius Martyris, In secundo nocturno: Versus
  87. Beatus vir qui suffert Verse for Common of Martyrs
  88. Hic a cesare claudio nocte St. Quirinus, Matins, Responsory 2
  89. Hic a cunctis amabatur iudeis St. Clemens I, Pope], Matins, Verse 2
  90. Hic a cunctis fidelibus St. Clemens I, Pope], Matins, Antiphon 2
  91. Hic a cunctis fidelibus St. Udalricus, Matins, Verse 8
  92. Hic ad deum vigilavit in se St. Bonifacius, Lauds, Antiphon 3
  93. Hic ad deum vigilent erigant Compassio BVM, Lauds, Antiphon 3
  94. Hic a deo benedictus christi St. Severus of Ravenna, Matins, Antiphon 9
  95. Hic a deo constitutus sion in St. Ivo, Matins, Antiphon 2
  96. Hic a deo predilectus adhesit St. John the Evangelist, Matins, Antiphon 2
  97. Hic ad exemplum sanctorum St. Otto, Matins, Antiphon 2
  98. Hic adherens genitori comes St. Siffredus, Matins, Antiphon 2
  99. Hic adhesit in timore domini St. Bonifacius, Matins, Antiphon 2
  100. Hic ab adolescentia, Divina Antiphon for Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor

Content Approved by: MMDB Director
Last updated: Wednesday, 11 February 2004