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Sources of Liturgical Chant on Medieval Music Database

The sources of the liturgical chant used in this database are a fourteen-volume set of corali for Dominican use now in Perugia (1305-1320), the two exemplars on which these were based (London, British Library, Additional 23935, c. 1270 and Rome, Santa Sabina, Ms XIV L1, c. 1260) and the Poissy Antiphonal (1335-1345), now in the possession of the State Library of Victoria (Ms *096.1 R66A). These seventeen manuscripts are closely related to each other, and constitute a reliable source of the state of the liturgical melodies in use in the fourteenth century by Dominicans throughout Europe. The Perugian manuscripts are described in detail by Galliano Ciliberti, Musica e liturgia nelle chiese e conventi dell'Umbria : secoli X-XV : con un Atlante-repertorio dei piu antichi monumenti musicali umbri di polifonia sacra, Perugia : Cattedra di storia della musica, Universita degli studi di Perugia, Centro di studi musicali in Umbria, 1994.

To this foundation collection selected other manuscripts are constantly being added: the liturgical chant from Cyprus found in manuscript Turin, Biblioteca Nazionale J. II. 9; the laude from Cortona, Biblioteca Comunale Ms 91 and mass chants from a thirteenth-century Cistercian manuscript in the State Library of New South Wales have already been added. Other planned projects include Franciscan chants from thirteenth-century sources, chants proper to San Lorenzo in Florence and all published chants not already found in the Dominican cycle.

Content Approved by: MMDB Director
Last updated: Sunday, 2 March 2003