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Medieval Music Database

Fugite Gianni Bacco

ballata by Andrea da Firenze


Florence: Biblioteca Medicea-Laurenziana, Palatino 87 (Squarcialupi Codex), fol. 189v (2/2).


Il Codice Squarcialupi edited by F. Alberto GALLO, Lucca: Libreria Musicale Italiana, 1992.


1. Der Squarcialupi-Codex Pal. 87 der Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana zu Florenz, edited by Johannes Wolf and H. Albrecht, Lippstadt: Kistner and Siegel, 1955, p. 348.
2. The Music of Fourteenth Century Italy, edited by Nino Pirrotta, [n.p.]: American Institute of Musicology, 1964. Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae 8/V, p. 14.
3. Italian Secular Music, edited by W. Thomas Marrocco, Monaco: Editions de L'Oiseau-Lyre, 1977. Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century X, p. 23.

Text Editions

CORSI, Giuseppe. Poesie musicali del Trecento, Bologna: Commissione per i testi di lingua, 1970, p. 298.


1. TAUCCI, Raffaello. 'Fra Andrea dei Servi, organista e compositore del Trecento', Rivista di studi storia sull'Ordine dei Servi di Maria, II (1935), pp. 87-88.
2. WILLIAMS, Carol. 'Setting the scene for a study of Andrea da Firenze', Miscellanea Musicologica: Adelaide Studies in Musicology, 15 (1988), p. 82.


Fugite Gianni Bacco
da L'Aquila, furone
pi· tristo ch'un moscone.
gridando "sacco, sacco!"

Dice che F preposito
di Santo Benedetto;
ben torn'a preposito
di far tanto dispetto
a chi gli sta suggetto:
d'un poltron far un uomo.
Accurr'uomo, accurr'uomo.
ch'e' va faccendo sacco.

Vanne mie ballatella
a que' sacri maestri
de la musica bella.
e di' che stien silvestri
da' pirrati silvestri
com'F questo fellone.
Cacciate via el leccone
che vuole empiere el sacco.


Keep away from Gianni the boozer.
from L'Aquila, the big thief
more obnoxious than a gadfly.
and shout: "Hold on to your bag!"

He says he is the Provost
of Saint Benedict;
it would be really appropriate
[for the Saint] to play such a trick
on one who is under him:
to turn a poltroon into a man.
Help! Come to the rescue!
He's filling his swag with loot.

Go, little ballad of mine
to those hallowed masters
of beautiful music
and tell them to stay clear
from wild pirates
like this felon.
Throw out this lickerish glutton
who wants to fill his swag.

Text revision and translation © Giovanni Carsaniga

Content Approved by: MMDB Director
Last updated: Wednesday, 19 March 2003

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