Medieval Music Database
Faenza, Biblioteca Comunale 117 (Faenza Codex)
The earliest complete ms. of instrumental music. The contents are ornamented 2-part instrumental arrangements of French and Italian secular and sacred works written in score. Later additions on f.5v-35v, 59v-67v, f.84-87v by Bonadies.
- Répertoire international des sources musicales. BIV 3, 4. Handschriften mit mehrstimmiger Musik des 14., 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts, 2 vols, edited by Kurt von Fischer and Max Lütolf, G. Henle Verlag: Munich-Duisburg, 1972, pp. 898-920.
- Keyboard Music of the Late Middle Ages in the Codex Faenza 117, edited by D. Plamenac, [n.p.]: American Institute of Musicology, 1972. Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae 57.
- Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550, 5 vols, Neuhausen-Stuttgart: American Institute of Musicology, Hänssler Verlag, 1979-1988. Renaissance Manuscript Studies 1, Vol. I, p. 215.
- MISCHIATI, Oscar. 'Indice descrittivo del manoscritto 117 della Biblioteca Communale di Faenza', L' Organo, 20 (1982): 1-35.
- fol. 2-3, Kyrie (intabulation))
- fol. 3v-5, Gloria (intabulation))
- fol. 36-36v, Indescort. (intabulation from vocal model))
- fol. 37-37v, Hont paur. (intabulation from vocal model))
- fol. 37v-38v, De tout flors. (intabulation from vocal model))
- fol. 38v-39, Aspire refus (intabulation))
- fol. 39-40, Elas mon cuer (intabulation))
- fol. 40-40v, De ce fol penser. (intabulation from vocal model))
- fol. 40v-41v, J'ay grant espoir. (intabulation from vocal model))
- fol. 41v-42, Constantia (intabulation))
- fol. 42-43, Le ior (intabulation))
- fol. 43-43v, Iorlevie. (intabulation from vocal model))
- fol. 43v-44v, Viuer ne puis (intabulation))
- fol. 44v-46v, Elas mon cuor (intabulation))
- fol. 46v-48, [Deduto sey a quel che may] (intabulation from vocal model))
- fol. 48v-49, [Or sus, vous dormés trop] (intabulation from vocal model))
- fol. 49v, [untexted work: I-FZc 117 n17] (intabulation))
- fol. 50, J'aime la biauté (intabulation))
- fol. 50-50v, Iorlevie. (intabulation from vocal model))
- fol. 50v-52, [Roseta che non canci mai colore] (intabulation from vocal model))
- fol. 52v-54, Tupes[?] (intabulation))
- fol. 54, Sangilio[?] (intabulation))
- fol. 54-56, [untexted work: I-FZc 117 n23] (intabulation))
- fol. 56v-57, Biance flour (intabulation))
- fol. 57-58, Benedicamus Domino (intabulation))
- fol. 68-69v, Soto l'imperio del posente prinçe. (intabulation from vocal model))
- fol. 69v-70v, Qualle leçe move. (intabulation from vocal model))
- fol. 71-72, La dolçce sere. (intabulation from vocal model))
- fol. 72-73, O ciecho mondo. (intabulation from vocal model))
- fol. 73-74v, Aquila altera. (intabulation from vocal model))
- fol. 74v-77, Inperial sedendo. (intabulation from vocal model))
- fol. 77-78, Io me son uno che per le frasche. (intabulation from vocal model))
- fol. 78-79, Non na el so amante. (intabulation from vocal model))
- fol. 79-79v, Kyrie (intabulation))
- fol. 79v-80v, Che pena questa. (intabulation from vocal model))
- fol. 80v-81, Bel fiore dança (intabulation))
- fol. 81-81v, Non arà may pietà questa mia dona. (intabulation from vocal model))
- fol. 82-82v, [Un fior gentil] (intabulation from vocal model))
- fol. 82v-83v, Rosetta che non canbi may colore (Antonius `Zacharias' de Teramo))
- fol. 82v-83v, [Roseta che non canci mai] (intabulation from vocal model))
- fol. 88-90, Kyrie (intabulation))
- fol. 90-92v, Gloria (intabulation))
- fol. 93-94, [untexted work: I-FZc 117 n42] (intabulation))
- fol. 94v, [untexted work: I-FZc 117 n43] (intabulation))
- fol. 95, [untexted work: I-FZc 117 n44] (intabulation))
- fol. 95-95v, [untexted work: I-FZc 117 n45] (intabulation))
- fol. 96-96v, [untexted work: I-FZc 117 n46] (intabulation))
- fol. 96v-97, Ave maris stella (intabulation))
- fol. 97-97v, Benedicamus Domino (intabulation))
- RONCAGLIA, Gino. 'Intorno ad un codice di Johannes Bonadies', Atti e memorie della Reale Accademia di scienze, lettere ed arti di Modena, Ser. 5, Vol. IV, (1939), pp. 39ff.
- BORREN, Charles van den. 'Le codex de Johannes Bonadies, musicien du XVe siècle', Revue belge d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art, X (1940): 251-261.
- PLAMENAC, Dragan. 'Keyboard music of the 14th century in codex Faenza 117', Journal of the American Musicological Society, IV (1951): 179-201.
- PLAMENAC, Dragan. 'New light on the Codex Faenza 117', Bericht über den internationalen Kongress für Kirchenmusik in Bern, 1952, Bern: Paul Haupt, 1953, pp. 310-326. Publikationen der schweizerischen musikforschenden Gesellschaft ii/3.
- BORREN, Charles van den. 'Bonadies, Johannes', Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, II (1952): 102-105.
- PLAMENAC, Dragan. 'Faenza Codex 117', Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, III (1954): 1709-1714.
- PIRROTTA, Nino. 'Note su un codice di antiche musiche per tastiera', Rivista musicale italiana, LVI (1954): 333-339.
- YOUNG, William. 'Keyboard Music to 1600. Part 1', Musica Disciplina, XVI(1962), 115-150.
- PLAMENAC, D. 'Faventina', Liber Amicorum Charles van den Borren, edited by Albert Vander Linden, Antwerp: Lloyd Anversois, 1964, pp. 145-164 .
- PLAMENAC, Dragan. 'A note on the rearrangement of the Faenza Codex 117', Journal of the American Musicological Society, XVII/1 (1964): 78-81.
- HAGOPIAN, Viola L. Italian Ars Nova Music. A Bibliographic Guide to Modern Editions and Related Literature, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1964, pp. 42, 49-50, 67, 68, 103.
- REANEY, Gilbert. 'The performance of medieval music', Aspects of Medieval and Renaissance Music: A Birthday Offering to Gustave Reese, edited by Jan La Rue, New York: W. W. Norton, 1966, pp. 704-722.
- Italian Secular Music by Magister Piero, Giovanni da Firenze and Jacopo da Bologna, edited by W. Thomas Marrocco, Monaco: Editions de L'Oiseau-Lyre, 1967. Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century VI.
- PLAMENAC, Dragan. 'Alcune osservazioni sulla struttura del codice 117 della biblioteca comunale di Faenza', L'Ars nova italiana del Trecento III : Certaldo 1969, 1970, pp. 161-175.
- Transcriptions from the Faenza Codex, edited by R. Huestis, Westwood, 1971.
- Keyboard Music of the Late Middle Ages in the Codex Faenza 117.
- MARROCCO, W. T. and R. HUESTIS. 'Some speculations concerning the instrumental music of the Faenza Codex 117', The Diapason, LXIII (1972): 3-18.
- KUGLER, Michael. Die Tastenmusik im Codex Faenza, Tutzing: Hans Schneider, 1972. Münchner Veröffentlichungen zur Musikgeschichte 21.
- Italian Sacred Music, edited by Kurt von Fischer and F. A. Gallo, Monaco: Editions de L'Oiseau-Lyre, 1976. Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century XII.
- HUESTIS, Robert. 'Scribal errors in the Faenza Codex: a clue to performance practice?', Studies in Music (Aus.), X (1976): 52-61.
- APEL, Willi. 'Orgelmusik in Ost-Europa im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert', Musica Antiqua, IV (1977): 391-404.
- BENT, Margaret. 'A preliminary assessment of the independence of English Trecento notations', L'Ars nova italiana del Trecento IV: Certaldo 1975, 1978, pp. 65-82.
- LINDLEY, Mark. 'Pythagorean intonation and the rise of the triad', RMA Research Chronicle, 16 (1980): 4-61.
- BROWN, Howard M. 'St. Augustine, Lady Music and the gittern in fourteenth-century Italy', Musica Disciplina XXXVIII (1984): 25-66.
- Three Madrigals by Bartolino da Padova, for Keyboard, edited by Stanley Boorman, Devon: Antico Edition AE 10, 1986.
- McGEE, Timothy J. 'Instruments and the Faenza Codex', Early Music, XIV/4 (1986): 480-490.
- McGEE, Timothy J. 'Ornamentation, national styles, and the Faenza Codex', Early Music New Zealand, III/2 (1987): 3-14.
CONCORDANCES1.Bologna, Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Ms Q 15. (66v-68, Rosetta che non canbi may colore).
2.Burgos, Monasterio de Las Huelgas (115v, Benedicamus Domino).
3.Lucca, Archivio di Stato 184 (Mancini Codex) (55v-56, Rosetta che non canbi may colore).
4.Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, fonds nouv. acq. français 4917 (20v-21, Rosetta che non canbi may colore).
5.Strasbourg, Bibliothèque Municipale (olim Bibliothèque de la Ville) 222 C. 22 (36, Aspire refus).
Recordings of works contained in this manuscript
- Codex Faenza. Italie XVe siècle: Harmonia Mundi HMC 901354: De tout flors.; Hont paur.; J'ay grant espoir.; Aquila altera.; [Deduto sey a quel che may]; Io me son uno che per le frasche.; Che pena questa.; O ciecho mondo.; Le ior; Constantia;.
- The study of love: : Le ior;.
- Machaut and his time: : [Or sus, vous dormés trop];.
- Bestiarium: Nuova Era 6970: Aquila altera.;.
- Il Solazzo: music for a medieval banquet: Harmonia Mundi 907038: Bel fiore dança; Rosetta che non canbi may colore;.
- Lancaster and Valois: French and English music, 1350-1420: Hyperion CDA66588: Le ior;.
- The Seraphim Guide to the Classics. Vol. I. Middle Ages and Renaissanc: Seraphim S-2-60151 (USA): Kyrie;.
- Music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Vol. I. 13th - 15th Centurie: 2-HMV HQS 1195/6: Kyrie;.
- The Seraphim Guide to Renaissance Music: Seraphim SIC-6052 (set 3) (USA): Kyrie;.
- Francesco Landini 1325 - 1397: EMI-Reflexe 1CO63-30-113 (GER): Non arà may pietà questa mia dona.;.
- Guillaume de Machaut. Chansons II: EMI-Reflexe IC063-30-109 (GER)/ IC163-30-107/12 (G: Hont paur.; De tout flors.;.
- Musik des Trecento um Jacopo da Bologna: EMI-Reflexe 1C063-30-111 (GER)/ 1C163-30-107/12 (G: Non na el so amante.;.
- Guillaume de Machaut (c.1300 - 1377). La Messe de Nostre Dame. 9 Welt: Archiv-IMS 2533 054 (INT): De tout flors.;.
- Ecco la Primavera. Florentine Music of the 14th Century: Argo ZRG 642 (GB): Biance flour; [Roseta che non canci mai];.
- The Art of Courtly Love. Vol. I. Guillaume Machaut and His Age [Conte: HMV SLS 863(3) (GB): De tout flors.;.
- Music from the Hundred Year War: Philips 6747 004 (set 5) (INT): Biance flour;.
- Jacopo da Bologna: Italienische Madrigale des 14. Jahrhunderts: Harmonia Mundi HM 738A: Aquila altera.; Io me son uno che per le frasche.; Non na el so amante.;.
- Music of the Time of Boccaccio's Decameron: Philips 802904: Biance flour; Non arà may pietà questa mia dona.;.
- Anthologie de la Musique d'Orgue des Primitifs à la Renaissance: Ducretet-Thomson Duc 320131-3: Iorlevie.; Iorlevie.;.
- [Machaut]: Musical Heritage Society MHS 1141: De tout flors.;.
- The Service of Venus and Mars: Music for the Knights of the Garter, 13: Hyperion A66238: De ce fol penser.;.
- [Perotin; Le Moulin de Paris]: Victor VIC. 18413: De ce fol penser.;.
- A Song for Francesca. Music in Italy, 1330-1430: Hyperion CDA 66286: Constantia; Non na el so amante.;.
- O cieco mondo. Die italienischen lauda. The Italian Lauda. c.1400 - 17: Deutsche Harmonia Mundi RD 77865: Ave maris stella; O ciecho mondo.;.
